End of Term 1 & Easter Break

Dear Parents & Swimmers,
Term 1 will be finishing on Saturday 2nd of April.
It has been a challenging few weeks with flooding and the recent spike in COVID cases, which has resulted in students being unable to attend lessons.
We are happy to offer makeup lessons for families that have been unable to attend their lessons due to these recent events. Please contact us via phone or email to arrange for a suitable makeup lesson before the end of Term 1.
Our team will endeavour to accommodate every request where possible.
Term 2
Term 2 will be commencing on Tuesday 9th of April (after the Easter long weekend).
Your child/children will be automatically rolled over into their current lessons for Term 2. Please notify us via email if you don’t wish to continue lessons next term or need to make any changes to lesson scheduling.
We realise that people have gone through a very hard time over the last few weeks, and we hope that you have all managed to stay safe.
For more information and updates, follow us on Instagram and Facebook.
Kind Regards,
Vicki Miller
Ascot Aquatics Centre